
March 21, 2012


YouTube Is A Fabulous Tool For DIY Wedding Decorations

March 14, 2012

When you have two of your kids in college and another one soon to graduate high school, then your money budget is tight.  Add a wedding to the mix and saving on expenses is imperative!  So I decided to become a DIY wedding planner. My daughter , bride to be, discussed with me her wished about her wedding and was very glad that I was going to take over on the decorations.  Since I am not a florist or a great bow maker I had a challenge before me.

I began searching craft stores for the items that my daughter wanted in her wedding.  Since I have several months to plan I have bought items when I had a coupon or a store had a special.This is just one of the places that I have used in my bargain hunting.  You can always to the store websites and print out coupons for the days that you will be shopping there.  Other great stores are Michaels, AC Moore, and Hobby Lobby.  You may need to order online from wholesale distributors to get great deals.

So I buy all these flowers, ribbon, tule, mesh, vases, etc .  Bags are everywhere in my house.  So I ask myself the question, “Who is going to help me do this ?”   I immediately did Google searches for my specific ideas.  This lead me to YouTube!  The instruction is very good and had to watch each videos more than once.  Professional florists can show lots of ways to display flowers.  The videos help me make decisions about reception ideas. So far I have made all bouquets, flower arrangements, center pieces, wreathes and aisle decor.   The bottom line is that my daughter loves everything that I have created based on her desires.   I have saved tons of money . Cha Ching

I will post the results this summer in my blog!

Cleaning My Mother-in Law’s House Was A Revealing Day

February 23, 2012

Cleaning My Mother-in Law’s House Was A Revealing Day.

Cleaning My Mother-in Law’s House Was A Revealing Day

February 23, 2012

My mother- in law has always been amazingly strong physically. She has been blessed with 77 years of good health. She had more energy than me for quite a while. Right before her recent birthday she began to have pain in her lower back , through her hip and continued down her leg. This new development has really taken over her life. She cannot sit without excruciating pain so she stands or lays down. After a scan her family physician decided to send her to physical therapy. Of course, she does not have the relief she wants and thinks her therapy is not helping. In the meantime she gets a virus that has made her dehydrated and had to receive fluids in the hospital.

Yesterday I decided that I would help her by cleaning her house and wash the bed linens. Her husband, my father in-law, is in his 80’s with some health issues and is unable to keep us with the house. So my 18 year old daughter and I worked for hours and the desired result was to take a stress situation from her life so she could heal quickly. Every celebration that usually requires gift to me, I usually say, “just clean my house”. Have ever received that gift? NO! So cleaning was my gift them.

I am person that usually does not give attention to detail, but when you clean you must clean every nook and cranny. During my time I noticed there are pictures of family everywhere. They are on the walls, stuck on mirrors, put on the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. Family means everything to them.  I have always known that their relationship with Christ is a priority. There are Bibles near their bed which tells of their consistent reading of the Word of God. Being financially frugal is very important to them after noticing they reuse everything. There are drawers of reused storage bags and foil. You must know that my in-laws are very generous in their monetary giving and their frugality is not for themselves, but to help family and causes that they believe in.

So these things that I noticed have give me even more respect for my mother-in law. I came home and looked at my house and asked myself a question. ” How does my home reflect who I am and what is important to me?” This is what I decided visitors would determine from what is displayed in my home.
1. I love dogs
2. My faith in God is important because I have Biblical verses displayed in some rooms.
3. I am tolerant because I allow other people that I live with to organize their things the way they want , even when it makes me crazy!
4. Crafts are my creative outlet.

Would your house reflect who you really are? Take time going through your house and evaluate. Is it a positive or negative result? Do I need to change anything?

Valentine’s Day

February 11, 2012

Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite celebration. It all began in grade school when we could decorate our Valentine folders with lace doilies and red hearts. I was always so excited to get valentines from my classmates. I can remember I liked this guy named Greg in 4th or 5th grade. Of course, I opened his valentine first . The card was a little bit up scaled compared to the rest of the Valentine cards that I had received from the other students. You could open the card and it said something about ” Shhhh You are my secret valentine!” Well my heart started pounding and I was thinking that Greg really likes me in return. I was elated. A few seconds later I happened to look over at Mark Donally’s desk and he had the same card as me from Greg. Tears were in my eyes and I thought another rejection of the tall red- headed chubby girl.

Years later when I met the love of my life, Gene, I knew that he was a Valentine that was worth the long wait. No one else had this special man to marry ,but only me. For many years Gene would put out this huge heart shaped balloon on our front porch every Valentine’s day. He would also make a big banner that said ” I love Carol” for the whole neighborhood to see. Eventually, the balloon saw it’s last day and it was sad. You know that Gene does not have to put a big heart and banner out to let people know that he loves me. He shows it everyday with kindness and in his eyes I can see that his love is great for me as my love is great for him.

Excuse Me! A Brain Transplant? I Don’t Think So!

February 1, 2012

Excuse Me! A Brain Transplant? I Don’t Think So!.

Excuse Me! A Brain Transplant? I Don’t Think So!

February 1, 2012

While lying in bed at night is when my mode changes and I contemplate the deeper subjects of  life.   This is nothing new with me because I cannot remember a time when I did not lay and wonder.  Observation of material things around me is not important to me.  For example, I asked my husband if he knew if we had a sample piece of our existing carpet when it was new.  He told it was behind the door in our family room.  I said “OH” and felt like an idiot.  On the other hand I remember details of people.  The details of what a person looks like externally is not really important to me.  I doubt that I could be much help describing a person to a sketch artist.  My passion and what fulfills  me is observing what is inside of a person.  By inside of a person , I mean their personality, countenance, emotions,etc.   This passion of mine has made me a good reader of people.  I can tell when people are having marriage problems before most anyone else or know when someone is experiencing emotional pain .  I can empathize with others to the point that it brings me pain. I have to back off sometimes because I have learned to know my limits.  I am not expressing this to lead to believe that I am a mind reader or have mystical powers.  Sharing this is just background information as to help you understand a little about me before I express my recent contemplations.

When I relate with people I see the whole picture of who they are which is physical appearance,voice inflections, verbal expression, emotional  reactions and spiritual depth.  So a couple of nights ago I began thinking about why a brain transplant has never been successful.  These are my thoughts about why it will always fails. You may think I am crazy, but there is not law against pondering.

You look at the brain and it is ugly, but powerful.  The brain is our  place where we can keep our deepest secrets and memories.   Every image, and every word spoken or read stays in our brain.  The brain sustains human life but does this physical organ control everything?  Why are there so many stories about people who are medically dead and due to the advancements of medicine can be revived.  Those who have experience death can see their body being worked on by life saving measures?  Their brain is still in the body but they are seeing and feeling images that are new?  This is because we have a spiritual dimension to our human existence in which our Creator communicates to us.   You need to realize that we are spiritual and not all physical.  God, our creator, gave us spiritual dimension so He could speak to us in a powerful way.  This is how He reveals your purpose in your life and it is a relationship of guidance, trust and love.  Seek your Creator through prayer.  Read what is written about the Lord God,creator of all things.

Brain transplants will not succeed because you cannot truly replace the hidden thoughts of people.  The human brain is a great wonder , a great avenue of connection to all things and source of human life.  God is the greatest wonder of all and the connection  to all spiritual life.

Listen To What You Are Telling Yourself

January 9, 2012

Listen To What You Are Telling Yourself.

Listen To What You Are Telling Yourself

January 9, 2012

How do you listen to yourself ? A person needs to concentrate and be aware of the thoughts that are going through our brain about yourself.  Listening to ourselves is something that we usually do not want to do because we know that it may reveal thoughts that we do not really want to hear.  Internal dialog is what is going on in our brain most of the day.  As a person we interact with every aspect of communication in our home, work, television, telephone, and computer we react to the information and do not realize that we are responding to it with internal diaglog.

If we have a low self esteem we may react with “I am so stupid”,I am so ugly, or “I wish that I could be like this person.  For example if you see someone that speaks with such confidence then you may be telling yourself that I could never have a conversation with that person because it would make me nervous due to the fact I cannot express myself.

You may see someone that needs help because of illness or may be in financial trouble .  In your internal dialog you may say I really need to help her because it will show others that I am a good person.  Maybe your dialog may say that person got into this mess because of bad choices.  On a positive side  may be telling yourself that I must help this person so that I can improve the situation and give that person hope.

Internal dialog reveals the truth about ourselves.  If you are like the person who want to show other that you are good means that what others think of you is important.  Would it be to your advantage to evaluate why you allow others to determine if you are a good person.  As for the response that the person got themselves in this mess so they do not deserve help reveals judgment, bitterness, and of being self-centered.

In the movie “The Help” the black caretaker of the home would tell that little girl that she was responsible for that “you are smart”,and “you are good”.  This was wonderful for me to see on the screen because it displayed a wonderful way to begin to train a person in early stages of life to begin a positive internal dialog.

We should be determined to listen to our thoughts in every circumstance.  Evaluate how much of what we are telling ourselves is positive or negative.  Replace the negativity with positive words to say of ourselves and others. Harming dialog is a major hindrance in our life.  God made us and loves us with such intensity that we cannot comprehend of its ‘ depth. Replace the negative internal dialog with positive dialog.  To tell yourself that you are loved, you are smart, you will not be defeated, you will love others out of a pure heart and replace anything you tell yourself with positive.

As a result  your life will change.  Hopefully, this change will help you to see the others and situations in a positive way.  Your new confidence will bring success and the focus will not be so much on yourself but others.

My Experiment With Home-Made Clothing Detergent

December 17, 2011

I am always open to ideas to save money so I thought that I would investigate on the laundry detergent issue.  The prices on name brand detergent are outrageous.  The “strong will” came out in me and I decided that I would do whatever it took to not fall into the trap of using name brand detergent but use Garlow Detergent.   Searching the internet I found various recipes online with little variations on the ingredients.

You will need to buy the following products:



The recipe is very simple.   How large of the container that you will using will determine the amount of ingredients you will need.  The recipe calls for 2 cups of washing soda ,2 cups of Borax and one bar of any brand of deodorant soap.   This amount will last a good while because you only use  a small scoop.   I would say about one-eighth of a cup.  I cut up my bar of soap and then put the large pieces in a food processor to grate.  Of course , you can grate the soap with a hand-held grater.   Mix together very well.   When you pour this recipe in the washer under water you will notice there is no bubbles.  Don’t let this scare you because you will be amazed how this laundry detergent really cleans.  I have been using this recipe for several months and would not go back to commercial detergent again.

My Son, A New Dimension

December 12, 2011

One of the best parts of having children is observing their realization of their passions and talents that God has given them.  Recently, my son Trey, is blossoming because he using his creative dimension to expand his opportunities to fulfill God’s plan for his life.  He is blessed to have a loving and compassionate personality.  Trey has many friends and together they make the journey of life more interesting and exciting.

One of his new college friends and roommate, Micah, is a talented student film producer.  Trey, because of his zest for life, is the actor.  Working together they produced a student film that won “Best cinematography and Best All Round Film”  voted by students at the annual Geneva College Film Festival.  The Film Festival is a classy affair.  Everyone dresses up and it is like a mini Oscar night.  The name of the film is “I CAN FLY”.

                              Trey and Micah with all their friends who helped make the film.

Micah and Trey Acceptance Speeches

Trey’s unusual tie was ordered from a Geek website.    This is one of the refreshing qualities I enjoy about Trey.  He doesn’t base his life on what others may think.  Trey is happy to be what God has created him to be.  A lesson that we all can learn from.   Below, is the video that won them the honors at the Film Festival.  I am so proud of the New Dimension of My Son.




The Family Should Be the Source of Evangelism

December 8, 2011

The Family Should Be the Source of Evangelism.

The Family Should Be the Source of Evangelism

December 8, 2011


I think that we all would agree that there is a large percentage of families in America who are breaking apart.  Why is this happening ?  Families have no foundation of TRUTH in which to guide each member to live a prosperous life.  The prosperous life does not mean monetary gain but refers to life that has peace, love, unity and a realization of purpose for their lives.

The Eternal God has provided mandates in His Word written by Holy men who were filled with the Holy Spirit to bring success to the family.  Our family must take priority above all demands in our life.

The husband must take the role of spiritual leadership.  This involves the husband, whether there are children or not, to commit his life to the Lord Jesus through salvation and the empowering of the Holy Spirit to lead his family by teaching the truth that is taught in the Holy Scriptures.

Praying by all family members is very important.  Talking to God is a wonderful privilege in our relationship with Him. Since we are not perfect and without sin we need to pray as we face circumstances that are difficult or choices to be made.  Our Heavenly Father love us very much and has great plan for each family member.  Of course, Satan wants to destroy the family and he has destroyed many of them. 

In Ephesian 6 of the New Testament it state some powerful words”

 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

The reason that families are the way of evangelism is for two reasons.

1. Discipleship of family members based on God’s truth will cause them to share the truth of the Word of God in their future family.

2. Families who do not know the Truth of Salvation through Jesus Christ will see how your family exhibits love, respect and godliness.  The Lord will put a hunger in their heart for harmony and hope.

I realize that many families are fractured in this society.  Many families have only one parent.  Families may have only one person that is a follower of Christ. Please do not be discouraged because the Lord is powerful and through prayer and fasting miracles can occur.   I have recently began to regularly fast and pray and the changes in people lives and circumstances have been dramatic in their obedience to Christ. I know that it has changed me.

I know that we as Christian women want our husbands to really take the spiritual role. Do not nag or be harsh with our tongues. We are not the Holy Spirit.  The best way is to insert your family member’s name in a scripture and talk to the Lord in prayer.  The Lord loves and embraces His Word.


Movie Remakes

November 28, 2011

In my late 20’s I can remember my excitement of going to see “Footloose” with Kevin Bacon and Lori Singer.  I more excited to see Lori Singer because I enjoyed her acting ability as one of the kids in “Fame”   Well , I loved the movie!    After viewing the movie it made me feel so upbeat and ready to dance the evening away.    I knew that I could not find a place to recreate the atmosphere of an old warehouse decorated in cheap decorations with great dancing so I headed home.   When “Footloose” came out in video rental,  I could not wait to see it again.  This movie has always been one of my favorites.    When I found out that they were doing a remake of “Footloose”  I was so excited.   I felt like they picked the perfect dance/actress for the part of Ariel.  Most everyone loves Julianne Hough from “Dancing With the Stars” ,so I knew that it was going to be a good movie.   So this afternoon my sisters ,a friend and I went to the REMAKE!  When you see a remake many years later after the first you have a different mindset than when you saw the original.   You look at those young kids and wish that you could kick up your leg, roll around on the floor and be picked up by your partner.  In the new “Footloose”  my favorite character is Willard.  He is adorable and funny.   The writers and directors did a very good job in updating this flick.  I recommend this movie and hope you will come out more light on you feet ready for this exciting world.

The Twin Thing

November 28, 2011


Twins have facinated people forever.  I would like to share a few insights of what it is like to live a life with someone who supposedly looks exactly like you.  Actually, when I look at my twin, Cheryl, I do not think that we look that much alike.  When I look into the mirror I do not see Cheryl at all.   We have the same hair color, same shade of skin and same color of eyes. but to me that is about the only similarities.  I have never noticed if our mannerisms are alike or if the way we verbally express ourselves in the same way.   In our lives I have enjoyed in some ways as being viewed as a unit and sometimes resented it.   I hated being compared through our lives.  Being compared to Cheryl was like being criticized.  My mother would say you need to be like Cheryl in this area or this way.  I do not think she ever said told Cheryl that she needs to be like me.  Oh well, I love my twin very much and we are best friends.   Dressing twins alike can be cute, but let them decide when they want  to stop the being identical in dressing.  Cheryl and I are genetically alike, but our personalities are somewhat alike,but very different.  I feel her pain, anxiety, etc.  She feels nothing of my emotions and physical problems.   So what is up with that?  Growing up I would say that Cheryl was the dominant twin.  Now I would say that we are pretty equal.

When a set of twins meet another set of twins it is like we are instant friends.  It is like being in a support group.  I have always asked other twins if there is one sister or brother is the nurturing one.  To me this means the twin who has more maternal instincts of protecting the other twin from emotional harm or the one with more guiding ways.  This would be me in my relationship with Cheryl.

The best thing that ever happened to our relationship was when we went our separate ways after high school.  I came out of my shell and gained a lot more confidence.  This not necessarily the best for other sets of twins.  When I look or know of other non twin siblings who are not that close is very difficult for me to understand this.  I could never imagine not talking or seeing Cheryl on a regular basis.

About 4 years ago Chery and I decided to attend a Twins Conventions in Twinsburg, OH. WOW!!  It was so freaky seeing so many sets for friends.  Eye opening time to experience what people see when they see Cheryl and me.


The women with the umbrella even answered the questions that I asked them at the same time and used the same words.   It was like watching a “Double Mint’  commercial.  The Twins convention is where we scientifically found out that we really are identical.  The FBI swabbed our mouth and took our fingerprints.  We had to immediately quit our life of crime.   JUST KIDDING!

We both dread that day that one of us dies.  It will very difficult.  Maybe we will be so old we will not know where we are in this world. Then see each other again walking the streets of gold and praising our awesome God!

Weight Loss Success

November 11, 2011


We are bombarded every day with how we all need to lose weight or maintain a health lifestyle.  For most of us who are overweight or have struggles to stay at our desired weight this pressure is quite discouraging.  I know that have lost and gained my whole life and this is what I have discovered and will share with you.

What is the reason that you would like to lose weight?

Knowing the reason that you want to lose weight is the success of your endeavors.   For instance, if you want to lose weight so that you can fit into a certain dress for a party, wedding or some other social event to not a bad thing , but it is a temporary situation.  After the event is over then what is your next incentive to wear that dress.  You can’t wear the dress every day nor do you want to wear the same dress for every social function.  Some women or men lose weight  to get the attention of someone that they would like to date.  Losing weight does make you look better and feel more confident but it does not guarantee that you will become a “babe” magnet.  I know that in some work places there are competitions for employees to earn money if they lose the most weight.  This is another good idea and those who participated may continue to lose  if they have evaluated the benefits of their weight loss.   For me,  I had to lose weight for health issues because I value my life.  This has worked for me because it is about me.   In the depths of my soul I had to say to myself “do I want to live my life in doctor’s offices and the hospital.  I have lost 40 pounds  and feel much better and am now off two medications.

Why do we eat?

Do we eat  for emotional satisfaction?   Do we eat because we are bored?  Do we eat because we are depressed? Do we eat because food relates to good memories of good times?

I had to really evaluate the reason I eat and it is for emotional satisfaction.

I bought the book “The 17 day diet.”  by Michael Moreno M.D    It is written by a doctor ,so this gave me confidence to try the plan.  I lost 9 pounds on 17 days.   Doing this taught me how to eat much healthier.  I eat low fat and low carb as often as I can.  You can large portions of low fat meats such as chicken, fish, turkey and lean cut beef.  I read the labels of everything I buy as to the amount of fat and carbs.   Greek yogurt is a great food for this diet because it is fat free and low carb.  You need to drink green tea or get it in a capsule because this will increase your metabolism.  Colorful veggies are important to eat and you can also eat large portions.  You will notice as look at frozen diet foods that they are not that low in fats and carbs so you need to always read the labels that report the amount.   I have hypothryoidism and am menopausal so I have a very slow metabolism and I still lost weight.

Before you lose weight , please answer the above questions and answer honestly.  If you do not have the conviction that the reason is for “YOU” then you may not perserve.  I hope that this has been helpful.



The Fiance !

November 3, 2011

In the early years of my life I always wanted to be a mom.   I really had  little ambitions for a career, but I knew that I had to bring some income to survive.   My focus was more in Christian ministry and raising a family.  I went to college to become a lab tech in order to pay the bills.   I attended Bible College to prepare me for the ministry the Lord had for me.  In my 20’s I worked in hospitals and ministry with the church and a missionary guest house in NYC.    I met my wonderful husband at church and it was not instant love, but a great friendship.  Finally, on my 32nd birthday I married my best friend.  We had our first child , Sarah, 13 months later.

As Sarah matured I began to pray for her future mate.   Sarah was a different kind of child.   Her imagination was huge!  She played with electronic wiring, had rocks in her pockets  and collected insects.   She could care less about dolls, pretty dresses and if her hair was combed.   In high school she finally began to care about her looks and began to change right before my eyes.  Sarah is a very principled young woman  and very stubborn.  I am glad that she is this way because she had great expectations in her future husband.

Off to college Sarah goes!   She went out on a couple of dates her first two years of college.  Her room mate of her sophomore year set her up on a blind date with Jeff Shaffer and I must say that it was instant attraction.  She called and told me about him and I immediately looked him up on Facebook.   Well I thought that he was handsome and was glad that  had an education and a job.

He came to meet us the summer after they started dating.  I was a little nervous and he was very nervous.   He was kind of quiet but I could tell that he was crazy about Sarah.  Over the next few months we began to know Jeff a lot better.  Jeff has so many interests that he is never bored.  He has really brought Sarah out of her shell.    They are a great match.



This past summer at my brother -in- laws’s  lakehouse Jeff proposed to Sarah.

The Proposal


I gave him my mother’s engagement ring that I wore for years  and he had it reset for Sarah.   She always loved the ring.   Yes, and I think that Jeff is going to be a good husband for Sarah!

Weddings! The Perfect Dress

November 2, 2011

Planning a wedding is fun for me as a mother.  My husband and I set a budget for the wedding and so far are doing a good job staying within the limits.  Of course, since this is my first wedding for my own children I am sure that I am forgetting the little  items that are needed.   After my husband, an accountant, recently filed our taxes for the refund and received the check then it was time to find that perfect wedding dress.  Yes, we just got the refund check about 2 weeks ago.  You  know how if your husband remodel homes for a living then your home is the last place that he wants to work!   Same being married to an accountant.

Sarah , my daughter ,is in her 5th year of college at Geneva College in Pennsylvania.  Driving to Geneva was beautiful because the leaves on the trees were very colorful.  Anxious for Saturday morning to arrive  so as to spend a historical day in my relationship with Sarah.   I arrived at her apartment to pick her up and on to Monaca  to look for dresses.  Sarah had not found the addresses for the wedding shops so I had to call my husband to look up the lthe adventure.  The store that we found was “Deborah’s Bridal Traditions”ocations on the internet .  I do not have an IPHONE because I cannot afford one with a wedding and two in college.  Oh well!   Monaca is older township so the shopping area is quite lovely.  One of her bridesmaid joined us for search for the perfect dress.


Deborah's Bridal Traditions


I told Sarah that she absolutely know when she has found THE DRESS.   We walked in the store and it was very inviting.  The decor was lovely.


The ladies that work in the shop were very sweet and accommodating.  Sarah,  Katerina and I were told to put paper clips on the price tags of the dresses that we wanted Sarah to try on.   I could not wait to see her in all of the dresses.   The dressing room was large and very private.  Here are some of the dresses that she tried on.


Finally she found her perfect dress!  She tried it on and cried.  Sarah wanted me to hug her a couple of times.   They took to another room where the lighting was that of an evening wedding.  She was sparkling in the mirror.   What a beautiful bride she is going to be next summer when she will say her vows to her sweet  and kind fiance, Jeff.

Pray that I am able to stay in the budget and my husband does not sob too much.


Nerds in Love

October 28, 2011

Nerds in Love.

Attention Defecit Disorder Books for Females

October 25, 2011

Having a daughter with ADD spurred me to find good literature in helping me for ways to help her to succeed in areas of her life.  In my searching I found a wonderful site called addvance.com.  Patricia Quinn is the writer of the this site.  She is a developmental pediatrician in the D.C. area.

She has written some books and also has other good books on her web page dealing with girls with ADD.

A Great Help

Girls with ADD feel defeated, impulsive and definitely unorganized.  This book gives hope for your female teen and you as the parent.

Patrica Quinn M.D .  has given me hope  and direction.   Receiving help from other professionals in the area in which I live has not met my expectations.  Finding Dr. Quinn’s website and signing up for her emails has definitely helped in day to day struggles in dealing with a girl with ADD.

A recently published book is a must read is:


This is written by Dr. Patricia Quinn.  This deals with females of all ages with ADD.